What are Connect Events?

Connect Events are built around these 3 things:

  1. Relational Engagement – These events are formed around the premise of connection, therefore it is essential to provide time for intentional discussion and relational camaraderie
  2. Mutual Interest – It is a mutual interest that draws us into deeper relationship with others. These events are as varied as their leaders. They can be based around a multitude of interests, hobbies, studies, or activities.
  3. Spiritual Edification – As with any gathering within the Destiny family, it is most important to grow spiritually. Connect events always include elements of spiritual growth and worship.

F.A.Q on Hosting an Event

How do I recruit people to my Destiny Connect Event?

  • The Destiny team will announce and promote your group to our Destiny Family, but more times than not, Connect Events are built on the personal relationships of the event host.
  • Start with people who are already in your sphere of influence.
  • Search the Destiny Church Map to find churches and leaders within the same vicinity.
  • Ask God to send the people who need the connection to your event.

Where can I host a Connect Event?

  • A Destiny Connect Event can be anywhere! Some specific interests might require travel or multiple days (such as camping or a destination golf trip), however the host should keep in mind that some of those factors could be a deterrent for those who would otherwise be interested.

I would like to host, but I’m not well connected. How should I proceed?

  • These events are formed in order to cultivate and grow life changing relationships. The goal is not to have a certain number of people, but to have remarkable connection. Contact the Destiny team and let us help you!

Protocol for Host

It is our goal to cultivate relationships within our Destiny family and we believe that your event can help accomplish that cultivation.

We ask that you include a spiritual element within the event (prayer, a devotional if applicable, etc) and that you direct the event in a life giving, God honoring way.Our Destiny team will commit to assisting you in promotion within our circle of influence and to provide you with any Destiny literature or promotional needs.


Destiny Ministries has the right to limit the promotion of connect events based on the sole opinion of the director of Destiny Ministries,  and events being in alignment with Destiny Ministries’ Values and Statement of Faith.