THE EVERYDAY DISCIPLE is a framework that guides you step-by-step through four quadrants of discipleship: Cultivating the Right Heart, Developing a Personal Vision, Creating a Plan, Practicing Habit.

Our coaches will use this framework and come alongside you, offering encouragement, accountability and feedback as you progress. It takes roughly one year to go through the entire coaching framework for the first time. The Everyday Disciple is split into four 12-week Quadrants to make it easy to start and stop as your life and schedule changes. Each Quadrant includes six online sessions with activities, and each session is followed by a coaching call tailored to that session’s learning.

There is no shortage of resources dedicated to biblical studies, theological training, and leadership development. Obviously, Destiny deeply values these types of training and education, as evidenced by Destiny Leadership Institute’s two-year program and the hundreds of students that we have trained over the years.

However, we recently observed the relative dearth of resources available focused on character development and spiritual formation. It would be a great shame if we taught leaders what they should do but never taught them who they should be. In response to this observation, we developed a framework called The Everyday Disciple (which we affectionately call TED).