Reflections on Chapter 14 of Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders.
I certainly would not call myself a mathematician. Although, I do feel I have a fair grasp of the basics.
When it comes to numerology and the Scriptures, I’m unequivocally divided (pardon the pun). Those who graph and plot every letter, then arrange combinations and sequences in a dizzying array truly perplex me. On the other hand, I can see certain obvious patterns that carry weight.
With that in mind let me point you Dr Sanders setting forth an intriguing bit of math relative to Romans 12 under the section entitled “Exert Yourself to Lead”. He states that the original language uses a tense of the verb “offer” as “a onetime act” only once in this select passage. Pretty simple math. So far, I’m good. Then the scattered through the chapter are 36 other occasions were verbs are used that denote “continuous action”. Is that ratio one to thirty-six? The truth is I’m asking for me, not my friend.
Obviously, the onetime act is immensely important and without it there can be no acts that fit the 36 described later. But mathematically it seems apparent to me the follow up, the “continuous action” stuff is pertinent, and possibly imperative. You must do this one thing in a solid, genuine fashion. Then, having done the first thing, start and keep on doing these others things as the result of having done the first thing. “Let’s do the one thing that changes everything” (special thanks Home Depot for the quote).
Dr. Sanders explained it much better than I could hope to. He mentions that two of the 36 verbs are related to leadership and notion of improving in that endeavor. I would encourage you to read it again, taking time to absorb the impact and nuances of his statements.
One final thought. Have you ever been around or tried to work with someone who “knows everything”? I’m pretty confident you know what I mean. It’s a little exasperating. Now please understand, I love to talk with people who have a broad base of knowledge. I’m very often amazed at the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience that some have accumulated. But, trying to communicate with someone who “knows everything” is totally different.
Have you ever tried to converse with a leader who “had all the answers”? The kind that were not interested in godly refinement and improvement. It’s often more than a little exasperating.
Have you ever been the leader “who had all the answers”? Maybe that’s the reason there was so much exasperation in the atmosphere…
Let’s commit and/or recommit to improving in the area of leadership under the guidance of The Holy Spirit.